A few things you should know about me before we work together

If asked to choose a number between 1 and 10. I pick 7.

In a situation in which I am presented with the choice between world peace and England winning the World Cup— I’m ashamed to say world peace. Sorry Dad.

I would never turn my back on someone— because then I’d be vulnerable to an attack from behind.

In life, I know only two things to be true:

  1. Firstly, one should seek out and read from all philosophies— adopting none as the definitive. Life is not about discovering answers, it’s about asking questions.

  2. Secondly, everyone likes pizza.

I would describe my writing style as Nouveau Shamanic. For an explanation as to what Nouveau Shamanic is, watch this video: https://youtu.be/Z1JyukEGjb0?feature=shared